co ja widzeeee !!!!!
what I seeeee!!!!!!
o rany, znalazlam orzeszek! Moj ty moj i tylko moj!!!!
Nie oddam cie za zadne skarby swiata.
O my God, I found a nut!!! My treasure, mine and only mine!!!!
I don't give it away to anybody.
jeszcze jeden?! tego schrupie od razu.
Mmmmm pysznosci.
and another one? This one I will eat immediately
mmmmmmm delicious
Nie no?!!!Czy ja snie? jeszcze jeden orzeszek!!!
Ja chyba trafilam do raju!
Moj szczesliwy dzien!!!! Juppiiii
I can't believe it!! Am I dreaming? And another one... nut!!!
I think I found a heaven!
My lucky day!!! Juppiiii
Tyle orzeszkow.
hmmmm, gdzie ja moglabym je ukryc,
przydaly by sie pozniej na czarna godzine.
So many nuts.
hmmmm, where could I hide them,
whould be good to have them for " a rainy day"
Moze tam?
eeee no nie wiem, nie wiem... eeee
Maybe there?
yyyy I'm not sure.... I don't know... yyyy
a moze tam?!!!
HA HA!!! jaki fajny czerwony schowek.
maby there?!!!!
japp!!!! looks preaty nice this red safe
WOW!!! Cudowny!!!
bedzie idealny.
Tylko jak do diaska mam uniesc ten daszek?
Hmmm chyba nie dam rady, fatalnie oj fatalnie.
i co teraz?
Nie dobrze oj nie dobrze...
WOW!!!! Amazing!!!!
But how the bloody hell can I open the roof?
I don't think I can do it. Badly, very badly.
And what NOW?
Not good, not good at all
Trudno. Bede kopac.
jeden... tu
It's hard. I will dig.
one.... here
drugi... tu
the other one... here
Idzie ktos? Kto tam?
nie nie ma nikogo... chyba troche za nerwowa jestem...
Someone is coming? Who's there?
No, there is no one.... I guess I'm little too nervous
O nieeee... a jeddddnnnnak!
to, TO patrzy na mnie...
TO mnie widzi!!! i robi mi zdjecia!!!
jestem spalona :(
Czy TO widzialo gdzie zakopywalam orzeszki? :(
Ooo Boze mam tylko cicha nadzieje ze TO ich nie lubi.
- eee one sobie tu tak lezaly, to sobie pomyslalam ze je sobie pozbieralam??...
Czy to TO mnie slyszy? chyba nie... o Boziu...
idz juz sobie ... no idz... please???
Oh noooooo... it was someone!
this THIS ONE looks at me...
THIS ONE sees me!!! and make pictures of me!!!
I'm lost now :(
If THIS ONE saw how I buried all nuts?
My God, hope THIS ONE doesn't like the nuts.
- yyy excuse me, but these nuts were lying here,
so I was thinking just picked up them... for myself (???)
Is THIS ONE hear me? I don't think so... Oh God...
Go away (THIS ONE), just go away, please???
ufff poszlo sobie.
prawie zemdlalam ze strachu
To jeszcze tylko ostatnie zbadanie sytuacji:
orzeszki zakopane, nikogo na widoku, bezpiecznie
no to zmykam a jutro znow tu wroce :)
ufff. THIS ONE fortunately gone.
I almost fainted with fear
So, let's check once again my situation:
the nuts are hidden, no one around, safely
It is time for me, I will come back again - tomorow